I blog for me. I like it. It makes me feel better. It stimulates my mind. It allows me to use grown up words for a few minutes. It enables me to release the adult thoughts and feelings I've had all day long when I'm surrounded by precious non-adults who have a twenty five-word vocabulary.
I blog for you. The other Mommies out there leading blissfully interrupted lives for the love of their little ones. Mommies who believe they are making a huge contribution to society by loving, nurturing, teaching and guiding their children. And who share in my daily quest for the grace to live a selfless life.
I love being a Mom. It's what I dreamt of. It's what I longed for. It is a blessing. It is a calling in and of itself.
I'd so love to hear about your life as Mom. I'd love to gain from your thoughts, insights, inspirations, struggles, victories, creativity and overall Super-Momness.
Let's blog.
Just saw on facebook you had a blog so came over to check it out! Yay! Oh, and way to go, training for the turkey trot!