
Is this thing on?!

I write today with a renewed goal to blog with purpose.  To blog regularly.  To blog about the things that wives and moms all over the planet deal with on a daily basis.  Life, love, kids, home, cooking, laundry, smart money, coupons, following Christ, serving others and making time for friends.

I've been learning a lot lately.  God has been hard at work on this girl.  It is a daily process.  Here are the main things that He's been showing me:
  • Challenging my faith with amazing moments in His Word and an eye opening Beth Moore study of Revelation.  (if your church is offering this study - JOIN NOW!)
  • Revealing my true self through the words and actions of my children.  Yep - been a few times that it wasn't pretty.  Like a mirror in front of my face when I first wake up in the AM.
  • Placing some physical struggles (illness) in my path that took me away from singing for a couple of months.  I felt like a fish out of water. 
  • Rooting out an area of pride that had crept in unaware.  Didn't see that one coming.  How I need Him!
  • Showing me that my true identity is as His daughter, His heir.  Really?  I am amazed and overwhelmed! 
  • Reminding me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that along with that amazing truth comes a responsibility to take care of myself and my body.  So, the "Fit by 40" goal is set and I am making daily strides to reach my goal.  August 28 is the deadline and the day I turn the big 4-0.
  • Placing new people - friends - in my life who encourage and challenge me on my journey as a Christ Follower.  Thank You, Lord.
  • Giving me peace in my role as Mommy and showing me that my mission field, for this season of my life, is my children - first and foremost.  He has placed them in my care for the sole purpose of raising them to know Him, love Him, follow Him and impact their world for Him.  To this I am called and to this I dedicate the moments of my days.
My Savior lives, my Savior loves, my Savior's always there for me.  Ever faithful.  Ever challenging.  Ever forgiving.  I love Him and I love the life He has graciously given me!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Tina! I really like the reminder that our children are our mission field...i needed that reminder for myself!
