

We attended an amazing marriage event yesterday entitled "Becoming Soul Mates". It is hosted by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott and was extremely well put together, informative and challenging. I heard and learned several new things. Things that, if put into practice, will revolutionize our marriage and give us the hot, Godly marriage we want!

My friend Cindy O'Dell said that her husband Shannon (Lead Pastor of Brand New Church in AR) believes that strong, Christ honoring marriages is the key to revival in America. Just think about that. If all of us married Christ Followers allowed God to radically change and control our marriage relationships how it would impact the world around us. It's so true!

Truly HOT, GODLY marriages would spill out of our churches into our communities and bring about change which could lead to a Holy Ghost revival! 

So, I issue this challenge . . . show empathy this week toward your husband.  Put yourself in your Husband's place and try to see the situation/problem/conflict from his point of view.  That's it.  Just put yourself in his shoes and then act as you'd have him act toward you.  This is not necessarily easy, but it has the potential to change your life, your marriage and maybe even our world. 

I'll be praying for your marriages as I pray for mine.

BTW - Check out the resources available at www.realrelationships.com

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