
Diapers, Dishes and Floors - OH, MY!!!!

Galatians 6:4, 5:  "Pay close attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.  For we are each responsible for our own conduct."  And, an excerpt from my NLT Life Application Bible: "Don't rationalize laziness. Take your responsibilities seriously and get to work".

This morning, God finds me slacking a little on these issues.  When your every day job consists of diapers, snacks, dishes, more diapers, more snacks and more dishes - oh, and did I mention floors AND windows -  there is at the very least a temptation to forget that yes, even these things, should be done for Jesus!  When cleaning up my 14th pile of crayons seems mundane (if not frustrating), what a GREAT time to thank the Lord for such a blessing! 

He has blessed me so greatly with a husband, children, a very large dog and a sweet little home to take care of - and nobody else can do it like I do.  It is my beautiful calling.

So . . . . ALL of my work is to be done with great attention, responsibility and productivity.  Thank You, Lord, for this reminder and for loving me enough to show me that I can do better at this!

Gotta run . . . . because dirty diapers won't wait!!!  PRAISE GOD!!!

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